"The interest of the online lottery market in New Hampshire," Fred explained.

The bill aimed at allowing online lottery sales within state boundaries was first introduced by former Senator Jennifer Flanagan. With the exception of Mrs. Claire Frida, who is running for the seat as an independent, the bill has been welcomed by other Senate candidates, including Democratic Senator Michael Kushmerek, Democratic Senator Michael Mahan and Senator Dean Tran. 바카라사이바카라사이트

As mentioned earlier, Frida warned that neighboring New Hampshire, which has already passed a bill to expand online lottery tickets on the border, which will take effect early next year, could pose a potential threat to Massachusetts' lottery income. Michael Kushmerek also expressed support for the bill, explaining that the state economy is in urgent need of additional funds. However, he said he was ready to approve the bill and pointed out that responsible gambling lottery is not an effect on legal lottery sales for minors.

Democratic Senator Michael Mahan shared a view with Mr. Kushmerek on the issue, but unlike Mr. Kushmerek, who calls for limiting the number of lottery games available online for a certain period of time, Mr. Mahan suggested that the government use subsidies from online lottery tickets to support convenience stores.

opposition to the expansion of the lottery The only candidate who did not support the bill was Sue Shalifu Zephyr, a Democratic councillor. According to Zephyr, online lottery tickets will not make the category more attractive to young players or millennials who lost interest in lottery long ago. According to the state lottery committee, lottery sales in fiscal 2017 fell 2.7% from the previous year, and she was not involved in the side effects of gambling.