Everyone knows poker is a friendly game, but one midlands household is turning it in to a full blown family affair.

The Jackson family of poker professionals, father Paul and son Ben, dominated the side games at the GUKPT Coventry on Wednesday evening when Paul’ Action’ Jackson and his child prodigy son Ben landed almost £10,000 for their nights work.

Ben Jackson won the £300 side event and a useful £7800 just two hours ahead of his father Paul lifting the PLO side event for another £2000. 온라인 슬롯

This is thought to be the first time in UK poker where a father and son have won events on the same day in the same Festival.

Uniquely, both players are part of the burgeoning Genting Poker Team and the last time a family affair landed such success was when fellow Genting Pro’s, Ross and Barney Boatman (The Hendon Mob), cashed at the same WSOP final table.